Why are Formby motorists being threatened and bullied if they go down Langdale Avenue?

Dear Formby Bubble:
Why are Formby motorists being threatened if they go down Langdale Avenue? We demand to know what right Sefton Council has to threaten motorists with CCTV Cameras if they go down this road.
There are signs at either end of Langdale Avenue threatening that if you drive down there they have CCTV IN OPERATION.

Kirklake Road is completely blocked off until at least 10th October and it makes perfectly good sense to drive down Langdale Avenue as the diversion route instead of going miles out of the way that the council are suggesting. Is it that a council official lives on Langdale Avenue maybe???
We all pay Road tax and insurance and are allowed to go down any road we want so why are we being threatened that we are now being watched and recorded on CCTV if we enter Langdale Avenue.
What is so special about this road? Why can we go down Andrew’s Lane, Sefton Road, Ward Avenue or Freshfield Road or indeed any road without being threatened?
If Langdale Avenue residents want to go to the Co-Op, why aren’t they being threatened for going down the roads to get there!
I thought we were being encouraged to not drive as much because of Fuel emissions etc but yet Sefton Council are making us drive five times as far!
This is ridiculous!
It’s actually illegal to threaten people or use bullying tactics in this day and age so Sefton Council need to remove those signs!!
Yours faithfully
Formby resident

Kirklake Road with United Utilities working on collapsed sewers and drains.