Thoughts on Formby

Dear Formby Bubble:
To everyone on this group,
Everytime an “incident” or “crime” is reported in Formby it doesn’t need people posting “what’s happenned to Formby” and “Formby is a horrible place” etc.
The fact is crime happens in every town and village. There are bad eggs everywhere and there are idiots everywhere.
The fact is Formby has actually a very low rate of crime compared to many surrounding areas.
Instead of bad mouthing Formby and the police, you need to appreciate that there actually is very little they can do. They can come to your house and try to track down the idiots who did the crime, but the fact is even when they actually track down the culprits the justice system will not do much about it. So yes unfortunately it does make some of these crimes a waste of Police resources.
Let’s do what we can to be positive. We shouldn’t have to, but buy security cameras for your house. put a cheap 110db alarm on your bike (search amazon for disc brake lock). Put something similar on your shed door. The same device can be carried and you can press the button in the event of an incident too.
If a crime does happen post it straight away with as much details as possible. Places like @FormbyCrime on Twitter can instantly notify other residents if you follow it for alerts.
Let look after each other and the village. If you see gangs of youths or anything suspicious, report something like “Alert : gang of youths in duke street park at 5pm” to places such as FormbyCrime.
Have a nice day everyone. We live in a beautiful part of the world.