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The Father Christmas Carol Wagon has seen its last day and help is needed to get a replacement

Has the Rotary Carol Wagon, for many years a familiar sight round Formby at Christmas, made its last journey?

A recent examination of the Rotary Carol Wagon has confirmed it is no longer road worthy and has to be reluctantly put out to pasture!

A spokesperson from Formby Rotary Club said: “For more years than many of us would like to remember, the the Rotary Carol Wagon has been an integral part of Formby’s Christmas festivities.

Father Christmas and his Carol Wagon have been there when the town’s Christmas Lights have been switched on, have visited Tescos and of course toured the Formby streets in all kinds of weather in the lead up to Christmas, raising funds for local charities and other good causes.”

”The Carol Wagon is synonymous with Christmas in Formby. Without it, that magical experience of excited children listening for the music that heralds the approach of the Carol Wagon, and then telling Father Christmas their wish list for Christmas Day, will be no more.”

“Generations of Formby residents have grown up with the Carol Wagon as the highlight of the Christmas period. Now as the town expands, are the new residents to be denied one of the great Formby traditions? Surely not!“

”So Formby Rotary is once again calling on the incredible generosity of the good folk and businesses of Formby to help us continue our Christmas tradition. If we are to continue we desperately need a suitable replacement vehicle that we can transform into Santa’s grotto so that present and future generations can continue to enjoy this unique experience at Christmas. This could be through donations or sponsorship.”

“Let us know your views so we can decide the best way forward. The Rotary Carol Wagon is akin to Christmas pudd and turkey - without it Christmas would just not be the same!”

If you can help in anyway please contact our President, Peter Connor on 01704 382349/07905453652 or email


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