Smiles all round at Formby Care Home as couple are reunited after lockdown

It was smiles all round at Formby Manor care centre on Liverpool Road in Formby as resident Jean Timmins and her husband Gordon Timmins were able to sit hand in hand for the first time in nearly 12 months following recent changes in guidance on care home visiting.
Together for nearly 62 years and married for 59 years, Jean and Gordon were last able to see each other in person last August during a garden visit for Jean’s birthday but were unable to cuddle or come into contact with one another.
Having not been able to hold hands since the original lockdown started, coming inside for a visit and being able to sit together closely hand in hand to laugh and chat really was a very special moment for them.
Daughter of the couple Mandy was overwhelmed when she heard that her dad had been able to sit with her mum hand-in-hand for the first time in a long time. She said: “It has been so hard for all the family to be denied physical contact with mum but after leaving the visit, dad was so relieved, saying that the experience had been lovely. The relief on his face was evident and it was a pleasure to see both of them so happy together, talking and laughing about old times.”
”We’re all feeling a lot more positive about the future and are looking forward to the whole family coming together again, this visit was another step toward the light at the end of the tunnel.”
Despite the restrictions, Jean and Gordon have been in touch every day, staying in contact via telephone and facetime, but it was amazing to finally be together in person again.
Debra Roose, home manager at Formby Manor, said: “Jean was so excited for the visit and was so glad to see Gordon in person after talking over the phone for so long. She said that she felt wonderful having spent time with him and is so looking forward to his next visit.”
Jean and Gordon got married in St Margaret’s Church, Liverpool and Jean recalls her wedding day fondly, remembering how happy her Dad was that she had met Gordon and that he couldn’t be giving her away to a better man. They lived for many years in a bungalow in Aughton close to their daughter and Jean still talks fondly about her time there.
You can find out more about Formby Manor HERE