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Skiffle concert cancelled because one resident complained to St. Luke’s about noise on Sat afternoon

The very popular Vikings Skiffle concert had to be cancelled because one resident complained to St. Luke’s church about the noise on a Saturday afternoon.

Lifeboat Tearooms at the back of St Luke’s Church in Formby is the most beautiful setting with trees and flowers, tables and chairs to have tea and scones every Friday and Saturday afternoon throughout the Summer months. On a Saturday afternoon for many years from just 2pm to 4pm, people have enjoyed some light entertainment in the way of a concert with the Vikings Skiffle group, SOS group, country music and songs of the 60s. This is and always has been very popular and welcomed in our community and although is called a ‘concert’, is only on a diminutive scale.

This much loved entertainment might now have to stop due to a complaint from just one person who has complained to the church about the loudness of the music on the Saturday afternoon. There is usually around 40 to 50 people enjoying the regular summer concerts in the afternoon. But the church felt they had to stop the concert last Saturday, the 9th July due to the complaint of this one person. Obviously the church does not want to upset or offend anyone in our community and thought they were best to stop the concert, which they did, to the huge disappointment of the many that were there enjoying the day.

Moving forward, this one complaint should not be allowed to destroy this tradition of a Saturday afternoon in the woods. Please write a comment to show your support for the church and the concerts to continue as they have done for many years. It would be such a shame for the community to lose their Saturday afternoon entertainment through the Summer months because of one person!

The concert is completely free of charge and all monies raised go towards helping the church funds. The concert is open to anyone to enjoy, it’s a great atmosphere and most enjoyable during the summer months until the last bank holiday in August.

Lifeboat Tearooms

Lifeboat Tea Rooms is open on Fridays, Saturdays and Bank Holidays (11am to 4pm) until 29th August.


Some events booked for this year (from 2pm and weather permitting) are:

JULY Sat 16th Jill Fielding Fri 22nd Country Folk Sat 23rd Folk Routes Fri 29th U3A Folk Group Sat 30th SOS AUGUST Sat 6th Off Our Rockers Fri 19th David & Ian

Last weekend: Sat 27th Country Folk Mon 30th Sounds of the Sixties

Call in and visit us. We are looking forward to seeing our ‘old’ friends and welcoming new ones.



Please comment on this story or on the Facebook page to show your support for the church to continue with their popular Saturday entertainment afternoons. You could also email us at:


1 Comment

Formby Bubble
Formby Bubble
Jul 14, 2022

This comment was sent in by Margaret: I am disappointed to read that the Fri/Sat singalongs at St.Lukes Cafe are in jeopardy due to someone complaining of the noise,what noise I have been there several times since moving to Formby in 2019, and the sound these acts make is hardly in my opinion loud.It is a wonderful afternoon consisting of only 2 hrs for senior citizens in our community who if they weren’t there would probably be at home on their own.You have my full support St.Lukes please don’t let 1 miserable person spoil the enjoyment given to so many,I could understand if it was a rock group and on late at night then they might have something to complain about.Margare…

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