Sefton Council Planning applications for Formby - week commencing 22nd March 2021

Sefton Council Planning applications for Formby, week commencing 22nd March 2021.
Applications validated this week:
9 Crown Close Formby Liverpool L37 4ET Ref. No: DC/2021/00786 | Validated: Tue 23 Mar 2021 | Status: Registered
11 Brackenway Formby Liverpool L37 7HF Ref. No: DC/2021/00243 | Validated: Mon 22 Mar 2021 | Status: Registered
Planning Applications decided this week:
Erection of a dormer extension and alterations to existing dormer extension to the front and alterations to the side elevation of the dwellinghouse 3 Aspen Grove Formby Liverpool L37 2DU Ref. No: DC/2021/00282 | Validated: Tue 02 Feb 2021 | Status: Decided
Erection of a single storey extension to the rear involving alterations to the elevations of the dwellinghouse, following the demolition of existing conservatory and partial demolition of the garage. 6 Bankside Hightown Liverpool L38 9EL Ref. No: DC/2021/00252 | Validated: Mon 01 Feb 2021 | Status: Decided
Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse and change of roof profile of existing rear extension from pitched to flat roof 44 Rosemary Lane Formby Liverpool L37 3HB Ref. No: DC/2021/00221 | Validated: Thu 28 Jan 2021 | Status: Decided
Erection of a dwellinghouse with integral garage adjacent to South Moss House, with new vehicular access and landscaping (alternative to DC/2020/02217). Land Adjacent To South Moss House Pasture Lane Formby L37 0AP Ref. No: DC/2021/00192 | Validated: Mon 25 Jan 2021 | Status: Decided
Creation of a second access to driveway, with wall/railings/pillars/gates to the front boundary. 55 Gores Lane Formby Liverpool L37 3NU Ref. No: DC/2021/00093 | Validated: Fri 15 Jan 2021 | Status: Decided
Erection of a timber framed structure at the side of the dwellinghouse, following the demolition of the existing structure. 10 Norris Way Formby Liverpool L37 8DB Ref. No: DC/2021/00086 | Validated: Mon 08 Feb 2021 | Status: Decided
Erection of a two storey extension to the side and rear of the dwellinghouse, to include extension to the existing rear dormers an additional dormer to the front elevation and a single storey extension to the rear. 28 Monks Drive Formby Liverpool L37 6DL Ref. No: DC/2020/02590 | Validated: Thu 07 Jan 2021 | Status: Decided
Erection of a detached dwellinghouse, associated driveway and access from The Ravens. Land Between Harebell Close And The Ravens Raven Meols Lane Formby Ref. No: DC/2020/02375 | Validated: Fri 27 Nov 2020 | Status: Decided
Erection of a perimeter fence to the points between A-E on the proposed layout plan. Formby Cricket Club Cricket Path Formby L37 7DP Ref. No: DC/2020/01914 | Validated: Fri 02 Oct 2020 | Status: Decided