Sefton Council Planning applications for Formby for week commencing 30th January 2023
Sefton Council Planning applications for Formby for week commencing 30th January 2023.
Sefton Council Planning applications for Formby for week commencing 30th January 2023.
Applications validated this week:
17 Crown Close, #Formby, Liverpool, L37 4ET
Approval of details reserved by Condition 4 attached to planning permission DC/2022/01495 approved on 18/10/2022
2 Birkey Lane, #Formby, Liverpool, L37 4BU
Erection of a single storey extension to the rear/side, alterations to the rear extension roof from pitched to flat, and alterations to the side elevation of the dwellinghouse.
54 Freshfield Road, #Formby, Liverpool, L37 3HW
Erection of a single-storey side and rear extension to the dwellinghouse following removal of existing side bay window.
Ref. No: DC/2023/00178 | Validated: Wed 01 Feb 2023 | Status: Registered
2 Birkey Lane, #Formby, Liverpool, L37 4BU
Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse
4 Oakfield Road, #Hightown Liverpool L38 9GQ
Erection of a single storey extension and conversion of the existing garage into a habitable space with flue to the side of the dwellinghouse after demolition of the existing potting shed.
Annexe 23 Shireburn Road, #Formby
Tree Preservation Order application for tree works within the garden of 23 Shireburn Road (lies within TPO14)
Ref. No: DC/2023/00151 | Validated: Mon 30 Jan 2023 | Status: Registered
19 St Georges Road, #Formby Liverpool L37 3HH
Erection of a detached dwellinghouse following the demolition of the existing dwellinghouse and detached garage
The Lodge, Formby High School, Freshfield Road, #Formby Liverpool L37 3HW
Erection of a part single/part two storey extension following the demolition of the existing garage
Ref. No: DC/2023/00139 | Validated: Tue 31 Jan 2023 | Status: Registered
26 Old Town Lane, #Formby Liverpool L37 3HP
Variation of condition 2 pursuant to planning permission DC/2022/00612 approved on 21/06/2022 - to allow for the installation of 2 No. side windows and amendment of bifolds to rear slider doors.