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Saving lives at Deansgate

Formby Community Football Club are delighted to announce that a defibrillator has been installed at Deansgate Lane playing fields.

The greenspace is used by thousands of people each week and the brand new defibrillator is available to all users at Deansgate Lane playing fields and surrounding areas. This includes all sports clubs, spectators, dog walkers and local residents.

Tina Hamilton from FCFC was delighted with the generosity and good will that went into the installation.

“We wish to thank the Jamie Carragher 23 foundation for donating the defibrillator, The Oliver King Foundation for training our Managers and Halcyon House and the Abbeyfield Group for allowing us to mount the Outdoor casing unit on Halcyon House and to power the unit. Thanks also go to Peel Ports for installing the Unit.”

She continued: “Special thanks go to the family and friends of Gobi Sathiyanathan (pictured below), our former manager who passed away last year. Alison and family requested donations to Gobi's two loves; Formby Cricket Club and Formby Community Football Club. This has enabled us to use some of the donations to buy the outdoor casing unit. We at FCFC are eternally grateful to the family and friends.”

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it's an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who's in cardiac arrest.

According to the British Heart Foundation; there are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) a year where emergency medical services attempt to resuscitate the victim. However, the survival rate is low – just 1 in 10 people in the UK survive an OHCA.

Early CPR and defibrillation can double the chances of surviving an OHCA.



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