Queen‘s platinum jubilee celebration In the new park today from 2pm to 4pm - everyone welcome

Formby Parish Council are happy to announce that Sefton Council has confirmed that the former Holy Trinity School field in Lonsdale Road, Formby, (which was considered for housing), can now become a community park which will be maintained by Formby Parish Council for the next one hundred years. This means that we can now move forward with plans for the park with ideas from local residents.
The announcement by Sefton Council coincides with the Queen‘s platinum jubilee celebration. It is therefore intended to hold an impromptu event on the park, as well as naming it, in order to formally announce this new park in our community.
‘The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Community Park’
Saturday 4th June 2022
From 2pm to 6pm

As it is so short notice of this event, information will be available on the day of what exciting plans we have for a new park with members of the Formby Parish Council attending. Basically it will be a ‘lark in the park’ with live entertainment as well as drinks, licensed bar being available, thanks to Formby Little Theatre. Bunting, flags and balloons will decorate the event.
Bring a picnic and join us for a unique celebration on this special day.
The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Community Park is located behind the Formby Little Theatre Club. Between Lonsdale Road and Rosemary Lane.
