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Much loved Formby resident Norma Griffiths has sadly passed away at the age of 81-years-old

Much loved Formby resident Mrs Norma Griffiths has sadly passed away at the age of 81 years old after her long battle with cancer.

Norma was very well known and loved in the community. She was a beautiful woman who always took great pride in her appearance and many would describe her as elegant and always glamorous.

A young Norma Griffiths looking as glamorous as a film star

Norma was a fascinating woman who had led a fascinating life with her well known and well thought of husband Barry Griffiths. Norma was a Conservative Councillor for Ravenmeols Ward and also sat on the Formby Parish Council. She will be very sadly missed.

Our deepest sympathy to her family a friends.

Norma will be laid to rest with a funeral service on Wednesday 31st March at 11:45am at Holy Trinity Church in Formby and then followed by the Southport Crematorium at 1pm.


Here is a memorial from Barry Griffiths in remembrance of his late loving wife Norma Griffiths:

“I returned to my home in South Lakeland in the early 60’s following eight years working in the Caribbean and New York City. I spotted Norma walking in Arnside and was immediately impressed with her striking appearance and flaxen hair to her waist. I offered her dinner at the Old England Hotel on Lake Windermere. She accepted!”

“Coincidentally, an executive from a company in Zambia was in the dining room who had business interests in Cumbria. He had interviewed me in London for a job in Africa the previous week! Small world! Is it not?”

“He made it clear that the job was mine on ‘married status only’ and said, why don’t you propose to your date and we will prepare a wedding in Lusaka, Gambia and provide a prestige home in the executive belt adjacent to the Presidents Palace with two cars, a guard dog and all expenses during a three year contract.”

“Norma flew to Africa on her own and joined me six weeks later, a brave girl indeed! We had wonderful safaris in the bush with former customers who insured we walked very close to lions and other wild animals such as hippos and big cats. She never forgot the vast continent.”

“Back in England with a substantial bonus, I got a job in Liverpool and bought a family home in Formby.”

“Normas liked this area near to the sea and involved herself in many charity activities and social causes. She raised thousands of pounds for the Sandpipers in Southport, asthma research and many other charities. Norma opened a crèche for children of broken families so that the mums could go to work. She was well known for walking children in the village with her great Danes on a lead, she became very popular with all sections of Formby society and stood for council and got the most votes each time.”

“Norma has received dozens of cards saying how lovely and elegant she was at all times.”

“She suffered serious illness over the years including breast cancer and had open heart surgery at Broadgreen and Clatterbridge hospitals. Norma never complained and Fought valiantly say the surgeons.”

“Latterly suffered from bowel cancer which was in-operable and Norma passed in Aintree hospital recently.”

“Norma will be very sadly missed by all she touched during her lifetime and has left dozens of folks broken-hearted at her loss.”

“The funeral is at 11:45am at Holy Trinity Church in Formby on the 31st of March and then followed by the crematorium at 1pm in Southport.”

The late Norma Griffiths

who passed away age 81


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