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Looking for a lasting Christmas gift? Plant a tree with the National Trust for your loved one

Plant a tree this Christmas and you'll be helping to plant and establish 20 million trees by 2030. Trees are essential for life. They clean the air we breathe, lock up carbon as they grow and provide homes for wildlife.

We know that trees are one of our best natural defences against climate change which is devastating places where people and nature can thrive. We predict that planting and establishing 20 million trees will, at their peak store, around 300,000 tonnes of carbon a year.

There's no time to lose. We must plan for the future of woodlands so we can tackle the nature and climate crises together. Plant a tree today and support life for years to come.

Donate to plant a tree You can plant a tree for yourself, as a gift to someone special or in memory of a loved one. Whichever you choose, you'll help nature to thrive so that future generations can enjoy spending time in the shade of these beautiful giants. Donate £5 or more and you'll also receive a digital certificate by email, which you can keep for yourself or send to someone else. How to plant a tree

  1. Choose an amount and make your donation.

  2. Once you've donated to our plant a tree fund, you'll receive a confirmation email straight away.

  3. Within five working days, you'll receive a second email with your certificate attached.

Please note, whilst we'll do our best to personalise and email your certificate in time for Christmas day, dedications made after 16 December cannot be guaranteed. Currently we can only accept online donations from private individuals. If you’re interested in supporting tree planting as a business, please check our FAQs for more information.

How much does it cost to plant a tree? Our suggested minimum donation amount is £5 as this is what it costs us to plant one new sapling. No matter the size of your gift, your donation to our plant a tree fund will help create beautiful green spaces for people and wildlife to thrive.

Dedicate a tree Why not dedicate your tree to someone special? It could be a Christmas or birthday gift or a special way to remember a loved one. All you need to do is select the dedication option when making your donation, and you’ll be able to celebrate the people in your life while also giving back to nature. At the moment, you won't be able to 'tag' a specific tree, or choose a location for a tree to be planted. However, we have an ambition to plant and establish 20 million trees by 2030, and your donation today can directly help create a living memorial that benefits nature for everyone, for ever.

Why plant a tree We need to work together to tackle the climate crisis, and it's only with your support that we can make a difference. Give today and you'll be helping to plant and establish 20 million trees by 2030.

Plant a tree today to lock up carbon, help nature flourish and create natural spaces for people to enjoy. These new trees will also create new habitats for wildlife, including the red squirrel, the greater spotted woodpecker, song thrush and red kite.

You'll also help the places in our care to thrive for ever so future generations can enjoy the beauty of the natural world.


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Christmas Chemist in Formby
Open 12 noon to 1pm

Boxing Day

Thursday 26th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173


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Wednesday 25th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

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Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

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