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Local support needed establishing a Minor Injuries Clinic here in Formby

Dear Formby Bubble:

I am writing to seek your support in establishing a Minor Injuries Clinic here in Formby, potentially within the Health Centre on Philips Lane or at another suitable location identified by the Council. This initiative addresses a significant gap in our community’s healthcare services.

Currently, when residents of Formby suffer minor injuries, there is no local facility where they can seek medical attention. Instead, they are forced to travel to either Southport or Ormskirk hospitals to access the nearest Minor Injuries Units. For those without private transport, the cost of a taxi for the round trip can reach £70—a burden that is simply unaffordable for many. For instance, a simple weekly visit for a medical dressing becomes an ongoing financial strain. Additionally, the bus service to Ormskirk Hospital is non-existent, and accessing the bus to Southport Hospital is challenging for many in our community, particularly for the elderly or those with mobility issues.

Local doctors and pharmacists are unable to treat minor injuries, often referring patients to these distant hospitals. This not only creates inconvenience for our residents but also adds unnecessary pressure on hospital services that are already stretched thin.

Given these challenges, we believe it is time for Formby to have its own Minor Injuries Unit. This facility would provide timely and accessible care, reduce strain on hospitals, and significantly benefit our community’s well-being.

This issue isn’t hypothetical—it’s personal. My neighbours and I have experienced the frustration and hardship of needing minor medical care, only to find no local options available. I’m sure many other residents have faced similar difficulties.

I urge the Council to seriously consider this proposal and work with us to make a Minor Injuries Clinic in Formby a reality. Additionally, I invite fellow residents to join me in advocating for this much-needed service. Together, we can ensure that Formby’s healthcare facilities meet the needs of everyone in our community.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Formby resident

Name supplied


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