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Formby Rotary thank the community for their support over Christmas

Formby Rotary thank the community for their support over Christmas in a statement here:

Once again Formby Rotary would like to thank the generous folk of #Formby for their support of our fundraising efforts at Christmas.

Over the Christmas period the Club raised more than £7000. Which will go to funding various projects and appeals throughout the year.

We could not have done it without our loyal band of collectors who turned out each night to walk with the Carol Wagon and knocked on doors and rattled their collecting tins. Thank you one and all.

Thanks also go to everyone who hosted our half way ‘fuelling’ stops providing food and mulled wine for all our collectors.

Thank you especially to all the Formby Residents who dug deep into their pockets to fill our collection tins. It’s very much appreciated.

Thanks also go to local businesses who supported us year on year -  Demeva, Acorn Insurance, Tescos, Karen Parks and Collette Gunther.

The Rotary Club would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for the Club to continue to run the Carol Wagon due to the ever increasing ages of our few members. We really need someone who can take it over with younger stronger legs! If you know of anyone/organisation that might be able to help us please get in touch with President Jeff Howard 01704 876426 or email

The Club will give plenty of training to whoever takes over and also support them for a couple of years if necessary to make sure they know the ropes!

It would be very sad if Formby were to lose this icon of Christmas. The children love to come and see Father Christmas as they have done for generations.


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Christmas Chemist in Formby
Open 12 noon to 1pm

Boxing Day

Thursday 26th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173


 Christmas Day

Wednesday 25th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

Sunday 22nd December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

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