Formby resident Aunty Marj celebrates her 110th birthday this week. She is the oldest lady in Merseyside, the oldest person in Formby and the 16th oldest person in the UK!!

Marjorie Hodnett, known as Aunty Marj, celebrated her 110th birthday on Monday 1st April, attributing her long life to not having a mobile phone.
Aunty Marj also believes eating three meals a day is incredibly important, and only having sherry or wine with a meal on a special occasion.
Aunty Marj is a resident at New Care’s Formby Manor Care Centre on Liverpool Road. She is the oldest lady in Merseyside, the oldest person in Formby and the 16th oldest person in the UK.
She says: “I don’t have a mobile phone and don’t believe it is necessary for me to have one. I use the landline to talk to my family and friends. However, I actually prefer receiving letters as you can keep getting them out and reading them over and over, which is lovely to do."
“Spending time at the dining table eating every day is also very important, especially now for me at this age as it helps with my circulation. I don’t think I have ever missed a meal. I love meat, roast potatoes and vegetables, and fish only if it’s not overcooked! And I only ever have a sherry or glass of wine on a special occasion.”
Aunty Marj keeps her mind active with a quiz, wordsearches and crosswords. She continues: “I like to keep my brain sharp by doing quiz-related activities and enjoy watching Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. I used to write poetry all the time as I love poems, and on the odd occasion I still write, but it is a lot harder now as I struggle with writing, so it’s not as enjoyable as it once was.”
Aunty Marj continues with several other hobbies, including knitting and drawing portraits of famous people, including King Charles III. She also supports Arsenal and is an England rugby fan.
Aunty Marj marked her 110th milestone birthday with a party at Formby Manor, attended by family members, residents and staff. She requested drinks on arrival, a singer performing some opera, her favourite genre of music, an official toast as she cuts the cake, followed by a special buffet.
Janet Lewis, home manager at Formby Manor, adds: “Aunty Marj really is a remarkable woman and we’re thrilled to be celebrating her 110th birthday on 1st April. She has been at Formby Manor for a few years now, so we have shared so many of her birthdays already, but this one is particularly special. Reaching the grand age of 110 is incredible."
“Aunty Marj remains very active within the home, participating in lots of different activities and enjoying her daily dining experiences. Her words of wisdom are still very much appreciated by all.”
New Care is one of the UK’s leading care home providers. Its portfolio of purpose-built ‘new generation’ care centres is fast gaining an enviable reputation for outstanding care that is second to none.
Formby Manor is a stunning 76 bed state-of-the-art care facility offering individual, person-centred residential, dementia and 24 hour nursing care services. For further information, please call 01704 339090 or visit