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Formby man arrested in an investigation into production and distribution of Class A drugs

A number of warrants were executed at addresses in #Formby, #Lydiate, #Maghull, Walton, Huyton and Liverpool as part of the operation co-ordinated by Merseyside and North Wales Serious and Organised Crime teams.

In June and July 2020 warrants were executed at industrial units based in #Aintreeand North Wales based on intelligence received that criminals were distributing Class A and Class B drugs to locations across the UK in exchange for cash and high value goods including jewellery and cars.

Officers seized a large quantity of chemicals and substances (pictured below) from the units. The yield of the combined material was estimated to be able to produce 3000+ kilos of amphetamine sulphate.

Following an eight month investigation warrants were executed today and 10 people were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply Class A and B drugs namely cocaine, heroin, cannabis and also on suspicion of conspiring together to produce and supply multi kilo amounts of amphetamine sulphate.

Those arrested are:

A 37 year-old man from Halsall, a 40 year-old man from #Formby; a 37 year-old man from Maghull; a 34 year-old man from Maghull; a 31 year-old man from Maghull; a 42 year-old man from Ormskirk; a 27 year-old man from Maghull; a 34 year-old man from Walton; a 46 year-old man from Huyton; a 30 year-old man from Knotty Ash.

A quantity of high-end jewellery and cash has also been seized under Proceeds of Crime legislation.

Detective Inspector Paul McVeigh said: "Today’s arrests follow an eight month investigation into the production and UK-wide distribution of Class A and Class B drugs.”

"We will continue to use all our available powers and work with our partners in neighbouring forces to take positive action against serious and organised crime gangs to disrupt this kind of activity.”

"Intelligence is vital in allowing us to take action against criminals and I would encourage people to continue to come forward with information to assist us in our investigations."

Sefton Community Policing Superintendent Graeme Robson said: "We know that drug dealing and the associated criminality causes real concern in our communities.”

"Today’s activity shows that it is business as usual for Merseyside Police, even during a pandemic, and we will do everything in our powers to find the people responsible for drug distribution and bring them to justice.”

"We also know how important it is that the public can see that as well as taking action to put criminals behind bars we will also seek to find where they have criminal assets or ill-gotten gains such as cars and jewellery and where possible seize them under the Proceeds of Crime legislation."

Got information about criminality in your area? DM @MerPolCC or contact @CrimestoppersUK anonymously on 0800 555 111.



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