Formby Junior Sports Club has a full programme of football this weekend - Here is Franks report

Formby Junior Sports Club has a full programme of football this coming weekend. On Saturday 17th September Inter Club will resume and on Sunday all FJSC Representative teams will be in action for their first league matches of the season.
Everyone is invited to come along this Saturday, September 17th.
Parents can download a Formby Junior Sports Club membership form for 2022-2023 from the website which can be found in the club document section. Alternatively parents can contact Club Chairman Frank Rourke who will send you a form to complete and return and provide any necessary additional information. Parents can also just bring their children along on the day. We have spaces still in every age group.
For new members, if parents wish a two session ‘try and see if their child enjoys it time ‘ before paying the annual club membership, this is quite in order. All we need initially is for the membership form to be completed.
Every Inter Club member will have, at least, a one hour Saturday morning session with coaching (£2 each week) and a fun match.
The next session is on Saturday 17th September at Deansgate Lane Playing Fields.
Years 5/6. 9.30 am - 10.45 am
Years 7/8. 9.45 am - 11.00 am
Four year olds 10.45 am - 11.45am
Years 1/2. 10.45 am -11.45 am
Years 3/4 . 11.15 am - 12.15pm
Goalkeeper Coaching is from 9.00am - 9.30am. Any budding young goalkeeper is welcome to come along and join in.
Aintree Athletic v FJSC Under 9 White at 9amon Saturday.
There are five scheduled home fixtures on Sunday 18th September.
FJSC Under 8 Black v Southport Athletic Redat 9.30am.
FJSC Under 9 White v Southport FC at 11am.
FJSC Under 10 White v S. and A. Amateurs at 11am.
FJSC Under 11 White v Redgate Rovers Yellow at 12pm.
FJSC Under 12 Black v Hesketh Colts Red at 2pm
Away fixtures on Sunday 18th September.
Southport Athletic Red v FJSC Under 7 White at 9.30am.
Redgate Rovers Black v FJSC Under 8 White at 9.30am.
Southport FC Yellow v FJSC Under 9 Black at 11am.
S. and A. Amateurs v FJSC Under 9 Red at 11am.
Burscough Dynamo Green v FJSC Under 13 Black at 2pm.
In the event of Inter Club football being cancelled on any Saturday morning this season every effort will be made to inform members and parents. Particularly for new members if football has to be cancelled due to the weather, the state of pitches or for any other reason a notice will be placed in the News Section on the club website as well as on Facebook and Twitter. In addition parents can telephone the club answer telephone 01704 83738 to hear a message. We will also try to relay information via Representative team managers to those Inter Club boys who are also in a Sunday Representative team.
On the club website useful information can be found in the Mini Handbook which can be located in the Club Documents Section.