Formby Junior Sports Club began its 64th season last Saturday. New members welcome from age 4 years

Formby Junior Sports Club made a great start to the new football season last Saturday morning when the Inter Club Section began its 64th season at Deansgate Lane Playing Fields. With many children still on holiday last week,the club expects a bumper turn out this coming Saturday now that the school term has started.
New members are very welcome in every age group from four year olds up to and including Year Nines. Every Inter Club member will receive a half an hour coaching session followed by a fun game of football. For those just starting off, the tried and tested Inter Club Section is ideal. Apart from playing football and developing ball skills many new friends are made as well. Girls are also welcome to give it a go and can join the boys’ groups. This is how many of the famous Lionesses started their football.
Amongst the goals on Saturday were Jimmy Abols, Theo Kelly, Archie Parrish, Charlie Vernon, Alfie Alston, Oliver Parrish, Charlie Ormesher, Jack Brown, Finn McDerby, Josh Robinson, Henry Williamson, William Gledhill, Luke Madutlela, Seth McNamara, Luke Greenwood, Evan Meehan, Noah Bate, William Madutlela, Ethan Murphy, Ethan Donegan and Ollie Dean.
Every Inter Club member will have, at least, a one hour Saturday morning session with coaching (£2 each week) and a fun match.
Saturday 9th September at Deansgate Lane Playing Fields on the pitches nearest to the FJSC Clubhouse.
Goalkeepers. 9.00 am – 9.30 am
Years 6/7. 9.30 am - 10.45 am
Years 8/9. 9.45 am - 11.00 am
4’s & Reception 10.45 am - 11.45am
Years 1/2. 10.45 am -11.45 am
Years 3, 4 & 5 . 11.15 am - 12.15pm
This season Formby Junior Sports Club will have twenty boys’ teams Representing the club from Under 6 up to and including Under 14’s. This is the most for many years. It includes five new teams who will playing on Sundays – FJSC Under 6 White, Under 6 Black, Under 7, Under 8 Black, Under 9 Redand Under 11 Black. The two new Saturday teams are FJSC Under 9 White and the Under 11 Blacks. FJSC’s teams will be playing in the Craven Minor League, Hightown Junior League, Skelmersdale Junior League and the Sefton Development League.
All FJSC’s Representative will be in action this coming weekend as excitement builds upfor the much awaited matches. We wish all the teams the very best of luck for the coming season.