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Formby High School Reunion Saturday 8th October 2022 - Central Club Southport from 7.30pm

Just 2 days to go!!!!

Huge thanks to everyone who has signed up to this event. These things are infrequent and who knows when there may be another.

We have over 50 people coming so far and over 20 for the school visit.

This is all the info you need to know

If you are thinking about coming but are on the fence: Imagine going to the pub and finding out that everyone there went to your school at around the same time... So much in common... Teachers, buildings, playgrounds, great stuff, awful stuff... Let's stir up all those old memories. I can assure you that any old grudges are long forgotten after all these years. Honestly, I've seen it first-hand. 🙂 COME ALONG... you are welcome.

On Sat 8th:

11.30am - School visit

7.30pm - Reunion kicks off - Chatting, drinking and music

11pm - Live band - Amazing Kappa

See below for more details....

Jeff Drummond is putting together some music for us during the evening (prior to the band later on).

Please all send Jeff a couple (or more!) of your favourite tracks from back then -

and he'll include them.

School Visit - Meet at 11.30 (on Sat 8th Oct) in the car park by the main gate [off Freshfield Rd].

7.30pm Central Club Southport PR9 0DA with late bar and live music from 11pm till 12.30/1am courtesy of The Amazing Cappa of the Cavern fame playing 70’s classics.

There will be a small charge of £5 on the door to cover costs... so you'll need to bring £5 in cash. Any surplus will be donated to Queenscourt Hospice, Southport (a charity we supported last time).

To help arrangements it would be great if those who have not responded by email could contact me:

Please pass the word around to others that you know and ask them to make contact if they are coming.

Spread the message as far as you can and encourage those reluctant friends to come along… it will be great to see everyone again !

See you on Sat the 8th 🙂....

Roger Hall, Henrietta Lucas, Mike Capper, Nicky Plaistow, Jeff Drummond and Gary Spengler (Organisers)


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