Eligible Formby residents urged to get COVID vaccine as soon as possible

Health professionals are working with Sefton Council to encourage residents to book their vaccinations as soon as they are eligible to help protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19.
After some recent COVID-19 outbreaks in the area, local GPs are advising that vaccination is the most important step we can take to protect ourselves and our communities. Their message to residents who are eligible is to ‘get vaccinated to protect their community’.
As well as previously eligible groups, those who are aged 34 and over before 1 July are now able to book their vaccinations by calling 119 or visiting the national booking service website.
Dr Rob Caudwell, local GP and chair of NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “The best action we can take in the fight against COVID-19, and any of the variants of the disease, is to get those people who are eligible vaccinated quickly and safely.”
“If you haven’t yet booked your vaccination, even if you are in any of the earlier cohorts, it’s not too late to get in touch and get booked in. Call 119 or visit the national booking service online.”
Dr Pete Chamberlain, local GP and chair of NHS South Sefton CCG, said: “As well as encouraging people to get vaccinated when they are eligible, we can also fight the spread of the virus by getting tested regularly.”
“Everyone regardless of vaccination status should continue to practice social distancing measures as lockdown restrictions ease to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Sefton.”
Margaret Jones, Sefton Council’s Director of Public Health, said: “Vaccination is the best protection we have against COVID-19 and new variants. I would urge everyone who is offered a jab to get vaccinated and then to make sure they go along for their second follow-up appointment to ensure they gain maximum immunity from the virus.”
Anyone eligible can book their vaccination by calling 119 or visiting the national booking service website: www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19. There are a number of vaccination centres across Merseyside that anyone eligible can make appointments with, including nine pharmacies in Sefton based in #Ainsdale, #Bootle, #Formby, #Litherland, #Seaforth, #Southport and #Waterloo.
Residents are also being reminded to keep practicing ‘Hand. Face. Space. Fresh air’ as well as getting tested regularly to help limit the spread of the virus.
New mobile drive-through test centres have also been set up locally around the Formby area, where cases of the Indian variant of the virus have been recorded.
Anyone aged over 16 who lives, works or studies in Formby, or who has recently visited Formby in the last two weeks is encouraged to attend one of these test centres with no appointment needed. They are located at Deansgate Park in Formby, Ainsdale Hope Centre for Learning on Sandringham Road, and there will be a walk-through test centre at Sefton Professional Development Centre (PDC) on Park Lane in Formby.
There are also pop up sites at Formby and Freshfields rail stations until Friday 21 May open between 9am and 4pm and offering PCR tests to people without COVID-19 symptoms.
Sefton also has two SMART test sites for people without symptoms, at Bootle Leisure Centre and at Splash World in Southport. Rapid home test kits can be collected from all of Sefton’s pharmacies, from Bootle Town Hall and Splash World in Southport, with no appointments needed.
Kits can also be collected from walk-through local test centres opposite Bootle Town Hall and at Crosby Library Car Park, Netherton Activity Centre and Southport Town Hall with no appointments needed.
Keep up to date with COVID-19 testing in Sefton, on the Sefton Council website at www.sefton.gov.uk/covid-19-in-sefton/covid-19-testing/coronavirus-testing
Rapid test kits can be ordered online at www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests. If you have COVID-19 related symptoms you will need a PCR test rather than a lateral flow test and you can organise this at: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test.
Follow the CCG twitter accounts for regular updates @NHSSSCCG @NHSSFCCG

Regular testing
● If you’re eligible for the vaccine, book your appointment and join the millions of others who are helping to protect themselves and others.
This is the best action we can take in the fight against COVID-19.
Call 119 or book online at: nhs.uk/covid-vaccination

● Are you in an eligible group for a COVID-19 vaccine?
Get booked in to help protect our communites in #Sefton. Check if you’re eligible here: link
● We're urging residents to help protect our local community and:
👉Get vaccinated when offered
👉Get tested regularly
👉Continue to practice Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air
Read more: Link
● If you’ve already had your first COVID-19 vaccination, it’s important that you come back for your second vaccination to get fully protected.
You will be contacted when it’s time to get booked in. Read more: link
● If you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine when you are eligible based on your age or clinical risk. You can discuss the benefits and risks at your appointment, or with your GP or maternity team. Read more: link
● Dedicated COVID-19 test sites have been introduced in #Formby.
Everyone aged over 16 who lives, works or studies in Formby is encouraged to attend and get tested.
Read more: https://bit.ly/3paz2Wc
● Are you aged 16+ and live, work, or study in #Formby? Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by getting tested at one of the new dedicated testing sites in the area. No appointments are needed.
Find details and opening times here: https://bit.ly/3paz2Wc
● Do your bit to protect our communities in #Sefton and stop the virus spreading by getting tested, whether you have symptoms or not.
Testing is free and widely available across the borough.
Find details here: https://bit.ly/3paz2Wc
● Get tested to keep #Sefton safe. If you have COVID-19 related symptoms you will need a PCR test rather than a lateral flow test. You can organise this at: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
● We’re reminding people across #Sefton to continue taking every precaution against COVID-19 and keep getting tested.
Find up to date information on getting a test in #Sefton: https://bit.ly/3paz2Wc
● Whether you’ve had a vaccination or not, it’s important that people going to work or out and about in #Sefton take a rapid COVID-19 test twice a week.
These tests are free and widely available across the borough. Find out more about how to get your test: https://bit.ly/3paz2W