Disgraced former Formby Doctor Sentenced for Indecent Act on Public Bus

In a deeply troubling case, former GP Stephen Crosby has once again been sentenced to prison after being caught performing a sexual act on a bus. Crosby, 71, has a history of sexual offenses, including previously assaulting numerous patients under the guise of medical examinations.
This latest incident occurred on October 4th of last year when Crosby boarded the 44 bus to Southport and sat beside an 18-year-old student. The young woman, feeling uncomfortable and scared due to Crosby's repeated staring, soon realized he was engaging in inappropriate behavior. Quick-thinking and courageous, she managed to capture a photo of Crosby and subsequently alerted the police.
During the trial at Liverpool Crown Court, it was revealed that the teenager felt "trapped" and "appalled" by Crosby's actions. In her victim statement, she expressed a desire for closure, emphasizing the impact on her mental well-being and studies. She said, "I felt trapped in the moment. I was shocked and appalled that someone would do that in public. We as a family just want closure from the entire incident so that I can concentrate on my mental wellbeing and studies."
Crosby, of Wrigleys Close in Formby, denied the allegations but was found guilty of outraging public decency. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Recorder Philip Barnes, addressing Crosby, highlighted the distress caused to the young woman and noted Crosby's long history of similar offenses, stating, "What this new offence amounts to is a continuation of the course of conduct of sexual offending you have been involved in over the last 20 years or so. You have a repeated history on many, many occasions of a similar nature, an absolute refusal to accept responsibility and a pattern of creating victims over the past two decades."
In the courtroom, Crosby shook his head as the sentence was handed down, reflecting his continued denial of the offense.
The mother of the teenage girl expressed relief and pride in her daughter’s bravery, saying, “I feel relieved that it is all finally over for my amazing daughter and how proud we are of her for standing up for herself and not letting this vile man walk our streets. For the next 18 months, he will be in jail, and she has finally got some justice for what that pervert put her through on the bus and in court.”
This case serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and the bravery required to stand up against such deplorable behavior.