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Deansgate Travellers situation so that we are all aware of the damage caused by recent encampment

Dear Formby Bubble: A local group planted over 700 trees on the park, help organise a wood carving sculpture nature trail, with assistance from Sefton Council and local schools..

Many constantly litter pick, and take pride in these fields..

Over the last few years the wildlife has increased significantly, and many species of birds, Bats, small mammals and butterfly's have made the park their home, with visitors travelling to watch these lovely creatures. You may be aware that recently the park was invaded by travellers.

Since their arrival many of the elderly and lone residents have felt unable to leave their homes and are living in fear. The travellers have cut down a number of the beautiful trees a local group planted around 15 years ago, and left them lying across the footpaths.

It seems they picked our finest specimens from one of the most picturesque areas, that has become known as the Christmas Walk. These trees provided homes to not only birds but to Red Squirrels.

Wild birds have been slaughtered with their bodies and feathers left scattered around the park, and human and animal waste has been deposited both on the paths, and into the hedges of the homes which surround the park.

The playing fields, used by Formby Jnr. Sports Club have been churned up by heavy vehicles and quad bikes. One 95 year old resident caught 2 travellers in their back garden, security cameras have captured audio and visual evidence of homes being "Cased".

Children have been spat on, and a senior citizen had a motorcycle driven at him along a footpath at high speed, and only just managed to get out of the way at the last moment. Finally , after dozens and dozens of emails and phone calls from residents, action is finally taking place to remove these travellers.

The park will require a huge clear up , and of course the trees that have been felled will need to be replaced and given another 15 years to grow. From : A local resident. ..on behalf of the Deansgate community


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