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Coastal Contamination on Formby coastline after an oil release offshore

An oil release offshore means small tar balls may wash up on the Sefton coastline in the coming days and weeks.

A Sefton Council spokesperson said: “We have been made aware of a limited quantity of hydrocarbons (oil) being released off off the North Wales coast.

“Owing to currents and weather forecasts in the next 24 hours, we may see deposits, in the form of ‘tar balls’ washing up on our coastline as a result of this incident.”

“We would also stress that removal of this waste should only be carried out by professionals, and we ask that members of the public do not attempt to remove any ‘tar ball’ deposits.”

“While this type of incident is rare, Sefton Council and its partner agencies have robust plans in place to ensure any contamination or disruption to our coastline is minimal.”

“We will be supporting ENI UK Limited’s clean up teams in the coming weeks to remove any potential contamination.”

“Posters have been erected along our coastline to inform visitors to our beach of this issue and we would ask that dogs are kept supervised at all times.”

“If you come across these deposits, in the first instance please call 0151 934 2961 to report this to the Rangers at Green Sefton.”


We encourage our residents and visitors to the Sefton coast to familiarise themselves with the information provided below…

1. Is the Council prepared for this type of incident?

While this type of incident is rare, Sefton Council and it’s partner agencies have robust plans in place to ensure any contamination or disruption to our coastline is minimal.

In 2019 the Maritime and Coastguard Agency held a training exercise on Ainsdale beach to test their plans and provided the Green Sefton team with a wealth of insight into shoreline pollution response and recovery planning.

2. Who will clean up the oil spillage?

We will be supporting ENI UK Limited’s clean up teams in the coming weeks to remove any potential contamination.

3. What should I do if I come across any washed up oil spill?

We urge all visitors to Sefton’s coast to avoid contact with any suspected spill wash up or ‘tar ball’. This is a potentially hazardous substance so we also advise that dogs are kept on a lead and under control to prevent contact or ingestion.

Please report any suspected deposits to Green Sefton by calling 0151 934 2961 or emailing on

4. Can I volunteer to help with the clean up?

We would like to stress that removal of this waste should only be carried out by professionals wearing PPE, and we ask that members of the public do not attempt to remove any ‘tar ball’ deposits.

5. Will there be closures along the coast?

Coastal car parks at locations such as Ainsdale and Southport beach are closed through the winter season and will reopen on Friday 1st April 2022.


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