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Bill Esterson MP calls on developer to address residents' concerns at Formby building site

After two housing developers wrote to residents in Formby, Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson has called them to work with residents to address concerns about vibration and noise.

Bill Esterson said the letter to residents from Barratts and David Wilson Homes was a step in the right direction, but it has come far too late.

The developers told residents they would be using “CFA piling”, which they say offers a much reduced level of vibration.

Commenting, MP for Sefton Central Bill Esterson said: “The offer from the developers is a step in the right direction, but I have to ask why it was not considered by the developer when the building work first began?”

“Residents in this area tell me that have had to live with excessive noise, vibration, site vehicles blocking pavements and illegal Sunday working since this development started. The developers also removed a hedgerow and garden because of a lack of care and attention.”

“A number of my constituents have told me they fear their homes have already suffered damage from the vibration.”

“The planning system was changed by the Conservative government and their Lib Dem coalition allies in 2012. The changes made it easier for developers and harder for local people to have their voices heard.

“I will continue to work with residents and the developer. I am pleased on behalf of the residents of Formby that the developer has responded to the request for better arrangements.”


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