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Bill Esterson MP: Alleyways project will boost Formby

Bill Esterson MP told members of Imagine Formby that their Chapel Lane alleyways project was a great idea and he fully supported them.

Mr Esterson met with Imagine Formby members Blair Hilton, Pat Wordley and Parish Councillor Carol Richards to hear about Imagine Formby's plans. They showed him some of the alleys and described their ideas on how to use the alleys as features to make Formby's village centre a more attractive destination.

Bill Esterson said, "Thank you to Pat, Blair and Carol for meeting me and showing me the brilliant ideas that Imagine Formby have for the village centre. The alleyways project is brilliant and I hope that everyone can get behind what the team is doing. If Imagine Formby is the success which I believe it will be, then the team is creating a blueprint of good practice which can help attract visitors to Formby and show other towns and villages how to improve their fortunes. Where Formby leads, others will follow. Good luck!"

Each alleyway will be designed by the Imagine Formby Arts, Culture & Heritage group, in collaboration with local schools and the Formby Civic Society. The alleyways will be transformed through plants, street art, conservation measures, improved lighting and entrance features, and will all be given new names to create a cohesive theme and identity.

A crowd-funding campaign has raised more than £11,000 for the project, including £7,404 from the The National Lottery Community Fund, alongside donations from individuals and Formby councillors.


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