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Amnesty for zombie knives and machetes ahead of new law

A new law will come into force from Tuesday 24 September 2024 making it illegal to own certain styles of ‘zombie’ knives and machetes.

The legislation is aimed at removing specific types of knives from circulation and prohibits the sale and importation of knives which meet the criteria. Details can be found at New law to ban zombie-style knives and machetes - GOV.UK (

Ahead of the law change, the government is introducing a surrender and compensation scheme for those that currently own such knives.

The amnesty will run between Monday 26 August and Monday 23 September, during which time knives can be surrendered at Hatfield, Stevenage and Watford police stations. The locations and opening times of these stations can be found on our Police Stations page.

Anyone surrendering knives that meet the criteria will be eligible for compensation, under the government scheme. Detailed guidance on the kinds of weapons that will become illegal and eligible surrender and compensation can be found at Compensation scheme for 'zombie' knives and machetes - GOV.UK (

Detective Sergeant Dan Stoddart, who is leading the campaign, said: “This is welcome secondary legislation that clarifies and enhances existing regulations which prohibit the sale and ownership of the types of knives we see all too often used in the commission of violent crimes or in the hands of young people on the streets of the United Kingdom.”

“It builds on the foundation laid by the Offensive Weapons Act 2019, broadening the classification of what is a “zombie style knife” to a more operationally useful definition which should help officers identify and seize more weapons that could be used in the commission of violent crime on the streets.”

“Police will be able to seize any such weapons they find and prosecute the owner. Possession of banned weapons, even if just in a drawer at home, can mean a prison sentence of more than four years. The criteria set out in the new law is quite specific – generally, any knife over eight inches in length and with one or more serrated edges could qualify, so if you own a knife which you think might be affected, please visit and read the details.”



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