Aldi has now submitted their planning application for its new store in Formby

After Formby Bubble announced back in January that Aldi are coming to #Formby, we are now pleased to announce that Aldi has submitted its planning application to Sefton Council to provide their new food store on land off the Formby Bypass.
A spokesperson from Aldi said: “The proposals will see the development of a spacious, modern retail environment, that makes use of a previously developed site that has been neglected for some time and fallen into disrepair. The site has an existing planning consent for housing and previously operated as a commercial plant nursery, which closed a number of years ago. At present the land has a consent and is used to store vehicles.”

“We have been delighted that an overwhelming 85% of respondents to our consultation expressed support for this new proposed store. Our plans will shortly be decided by Sefton Council and you can make a real difference by showing your support.”
About the proposal:
A brand-new Aldi food store with a net sales area of 1,315sqm.
Around 40 new local full time equivalent jobs for the new Aldi store.
Free customer parking for 121 cars, including eight accessible bays, nine parent-and-child spaces, eight covered cycle parking spaces.
Four electric vehicle charging points will also be available at opening, with additional infrastructure will be installed so further charging spaces can be added in the future.
14 covered cycle parking spaces.
A new store in a convenient and accessible location that reduces travel times for local residents.
The redevelopment of a brownfield site that has become derelict
“If you wish to support this application, please click on the link, and complete the form below to send your support to Sefton Council’s Planning Department DC/2023/00548"
“Please complete the form below to send your support directly to Sefton Council.”
“Please note your views and personal data will be shared with Sefton Council and registered alongside Aldi’s planning application for a new food store at land off Formby Bypass. Your comments can be viewed on Sefton Council’s publicly accessible planning portal.”
“You can also view a copy of our Data Protection Policy and GDPR statement here: Privacy Policy.”