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Abandoned Dog Mimi Finds Wonderful New Home!

Everyone at Freshfields Animal Rescue is delighted to report that Mimi, the terrified dog who was thrown over the wall 6 months ago, has now found a loving home!

Deb Hughes, PR and Communications Officer said: "Many of you will remember the story of Mimi, the terrified Shi Tzu dog who was abandoned in the cruellest way possible - she was thrown over the wall of our car park at Freshfields Animal Rescue Centre, last September."

"Mimi was discovered by one of our staff as they began their morning shift. She had most likely spent the night there. Poor Mimi was terrified and would not let anyone near her. She was in a dreadful state, very dirty and with her fur so matted she could not see properly."

Pictured, Mimi first day at Freshfields.

"Our caring Kennels staff got to work immediately. They spent as much time as possible with this gorgeous little lady, and slowly she began to warm up to us and accept the love and reassurance we gave her."

Mimi was struggling to adapt to being in the Kennels, so we looked for a foster home; a peaceful, calm environment where she could learn to learn to relax and recover from her ordeal."

"Not all heroes wear capes - step forwards Jim Marsden! Jim has been a volunteer dog-walker for Freshfields for 18 months He happened to meet Mimi on one of his volunteering days, and it seems like love at first sight."

"Soon afterwards, Jim welcomed Mimi into his home, and her life began again. Her personality shone through, and it became clear that she had stolen Jim’s heart."

"We are now delighted to report that Jim has formally adopted Mimi, and she trotted off to her forever home with him after he signed the adoption papers last week."

Mimi learning to enjoy life in her new home with Jim.

Jim says: "I was so happy to be accepted as a volunteer dog-walker for Freshfields. I felt so sorry for Mimi that I asked about taking her into foster care. I only intended to foster her for a couple of months, but within a day or two I knew I couldn’tgive her back!"

"She has really settled in and is a major part of my life.  We’re out for two walks every day totalling not less than five miles. Mimi is the best thing that could have happened to me!"

Deb Hughes, PR and Communications Officer, said:

“It is truly wonderful to see the transformation in Mimi. She’s gone from a lonely, scared, abandoned dog, to a beloved, cherished companion. It’s what we want for all our animals, and we couldn’t be happier for Jim and Mimi."


"Hopefully, Mimi’s story will show everyone that rescue animals make fantastic pets. Only 22% of people get their pets from a rescue centre. Over 50% of animals are still bought from breeders or online. If you are thinking of getting a pet, please consider adopting from a rescue centre. You’ll be changing lives, including your own!"


"Your support makes a BIG difference to the lives of animals like Mimi. Please help us to create more happy endings together, and donate if you can at or call 0151 931 1604.

Thank You.”


For further information please contact Deb Hughes at or call 07956 216106








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