A tractor and 4x4 lost to the tide due to trespassers when the red flags were flying at Altcar

A tractor and 4x4 lost to the tide because of trespassers when the red flags were flying at Altcar Training Camp
Trespassing on Altcar Training Camp beach when red flags are flying and shooting is taking place is dangerous.

On Wednesday 28th April two people in a 4x4 ignored the red flags and ended up stuck on the beach at the tide line with an incoming tide.
The tractor went out to recover the vehicle and also got stuck. Both vehicles were lost to the tide.
Chief Executive for Reserve Forces & Cadets Association for the North West, Mark Underhill said: “Disappointing that we have trespassers when the red flags are up and firing is taking place.”
“A reminder to all. The public must not trespass when live firing is taking place.”
“This morning’s characters were not apologetic - indeed they were downright rude to the staff; wholly unacceptable!”
“Fortunately both vehicles were recovered but may be write offs. Great expense to the taxpayer.”
Please Remember:
Public must not trespass when live firing is taking place (when the red flag is flying).
