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Remembrance Parades Stood Down

Formby residents are being asked to remember in their hearts and in their homes this year, rather than at the War Memorial.

Government and Royal British Legion restrictions and the ongoing need to contain the spread of Covid-19 have made it impossible to organise the traditional parade and ceremonies. However, that doesn’t mean the sacrifices made by the British and Commonwealth Forces in two World Wars and other conflicts being forgotten.

As usual our Mayor will lay a wreath on behalf of the Borough of Sefton at Formby War Memorial but at a suitable time selected by the Mayor’s office after consultation with the Branch office. There will be no band or attendance by anyone else.

Some members of the public will want to lay wreaths or crosses and they will be able to do so but are strongly urged to avoid 11am on either Remembrance Sunday (8 th November) or Armistice Day (11 th November). Instead we are asking you to find a time between the 8 th and 11 th to pay your respects while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Wreaths at a cost of £17, Crosses Poppies, Poppy pins, (suitable donations) will be available from our stall in the village on Saturday 31 st October and Saturday 7 th November between 9am and 12 noon. We ask that if you are buying a wreath that you have the correct money as we are unable to give change. This year we are unable to have our usual displays and stalls in Tesco and Waitrose but Poppy tins will be out in the village shops at vastly reduced numbers. We ask you to support the Poppy Appeal either at our stall on the above dates, in our shops or by making a donation online at

A national service of Remembrance will be broadcast which people can watch from home and we also encourage you to display Poppies in your windows as a sign of support for the occasion. We thank you for your understanding at such a trying time but as custodians of Remembrance we are committed to follow the guidelines set out by the Royal British Legion and the Government. If you have any questions please contact us through our Facebook page

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