Hospice launches 2gether Appeal to ensure future sustainability

St. Joseph’s Hospice has launched an appeal in response to the fundraising challenges it continues to face due to the Covid crisis.
The 2gether Appeal aims to highlight that the support of local people is vital to the future sustainability of the hospice as fundraising events continue to be cancelled.
This year’s Christmas Ladies Day is the latest event to suffer from the restrictions currently in place on large gatherings and social distancing.
Head of fundraising, Maxine Armstrong, explains: “Together, we are managing to navigate our way through the challenging times of the Covid-19 crisis but, as we begin to look forward, we must refocus on sustaining our future.
“Our staff have continued to provide compassionate care to some of the most vulnerable members of our community during this crisis and we are continuing to ensure that our patients with complex palliative care needs can access the care they require and deserve.
“However, as a charity, our income streams have been hit hard over the last six months. Due to Covid-19, we had to close all our charity shops, cancel all our fundraising events and suspend all lottery canvassing and face to face collections. This will have a massive impact on the hospice and 2gether we need to focus on sustaining our future and that is what the 2gether Appeal is all about.
“All donations received through the 2Gether Appeal will go straight to work helping families deal with the suffering, confusion, doubts and fears that surround the end of a loved one’s life.
“Please support our appeal and help us to sustain the future of your hospice for our community.”
For more information, visit www.jospice.org.uk/Fundraising/2gether-appeal.aspx or contact our fundraising team on 0151 932 6044 or email fundraising@jospice.org.uk
Caption: Pictured (L-R): St. Joseph’s Hospice chief executive, Mike Parr, and hospice nurse, Vicky Sanderson, help to launch the 2gether Appeal.