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Statement from Bill Esterson MP re Formby visitor parking and traffic

Several constituents contacted me yesterday and overnight regarding the traffic and parking issues around Formby beach over the last 24 hours.

“I contacted Andy Cooke, chief constable of Merseyside Police, yesterday and he responded by saying he would send officers to the area to talk to people especially those in groups which are clearly not from the same household. The problem is the guidance the government has now issued regarding travel and exercise, and meeting up with others, has led to severe difficulties with enforcement of social distancing. People are allowed to travel from as far away as they like, and stay for as long as they want.

The government guidance to stay home and stay safe was much clearer and I would urge people to do that wherever possible. It is not right that people in Formby must risk another surge in Covid 19 cases due to the numbers of visitors coming to the area from across the North West.

“I expect all visitors to the Sefton Coast to park responsibly and take their litter home. Although many do so, too many do not and this has a huge impact on the lives of residents.

“I have asked Sefton Council to update me on the actions they are taking following yesterday’s events. It’s an ongoing issue and one that is not easily solved, but further parking restrictions may be appropriate, as well as rethinking how the matrix signs are used to provide information to visitors.

“I contacted the National Trust earlier this week, and they said they had opened their car parks in response to the new Government guidance, in order to take the pressure off local residential streets. They have this week unfurloughed staff and will have the Formby sites staffed this weekend and the toilets open. They tell me there will also be charging in place on their car parks this weekend.

“Many residents express concern that in an emergency, fire and ambulance vehicles would not be able to gain access to homes around the coast due to queuing traffic and obstructive parking. I have asked North West Ambulance Service and Merseyside Fire & Rescue to comment on this.

“Please email me if you any further questions. My staff are trying to help all constituents at this very difficult time and will do their best to answer questions. My email is

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