MP helps launch Freshfields Rescue's 'No Animal Left Behind' campaign

Today, Freshfields Animal Rescue launches our No Animal Left Behind Campaign. In this very human crisis, animals are being forgotten.
Many charities have been able to access emergency funding, from government support packages and major emergency fundraising appeals. None of this funding is available to animal rescues. We have lost almost 50% of our income over the past few weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Helen Stanbury, Director of Freshfields, said: “The national response to supporting people is fantastic. However, there is one last piece of the puzzle still to address, and that is animals in rescue specifically. Zoos and aquariums have had access to £14m of emergency government funds yet there is still no support for animals, and people, who depend on the support of their local animal rescue centre.
We know the economic impact will be long term. We need immediate financial support, AND for essential animal rescue services to be more valued and better supported, going forwards. Animals’ fortunes mirror people’s fortunes. We anticipate that over the coming months many pets will lose their owners, or be given up as a result of increased unemployment, domestic abuse or loss of homes.
We at Freshfields know that the public care deeply about this issue. Animals are part of our families and our communities. Day after day, they unfailingly give us their love and they are an invaluable support to our mental and physical well-being, especially during these times of isolation and uncertainty. It’s time to make some noise and get rescue animal welfare high on the agenda!
We need the voices of our fantastic animal-loving local communities to help us influence decision makers, funders, government and others as we strive to ensure there is No Animal Left Behind”.
Bill Esterson, MP for Sefton Central, has added his support to our campaign. Bill said:Please support Freshfields Animal Rescue Centre. Animals are members of our families. For many people pets are vital to their mental wellbeing. So in a crisis, we should support animals as well as people because in the end it helps both. We have two Freshfields cats, Jackson and Frida. But without financial support, Freshfields cannot continue to support those animals who are waiting to be adopted.
Freshfields do a superb job. In this crisis, we should remember them. Please give generously to "No Animal Left Behind.
How Can You Help? Create a Pet Campaign Picture: Your pets will literally be the faces of the campaign.
Take a photo of your pet wearing a signboard saying #NoAnimalLeftBehind, and add your pet’s name. Post your pet petition photo on social media, including the Freshfields AnimalRescue Facebook Page and Twitter page @freshfieldsresc with a messageencouraging others to do the same.
Use the link @freshfieldsrescue and the hashtag #NoAnimalLeftBehindYour pet will join forces with animals in rescue and those already in loving homes, todemand immediate emergency funding and better long term support.You can WhatsApp your photo to 07591 205078Or email your photo to
Donate if you can:We are still 99% reliant on your generosity until we can effect lasting change. If youare able to, we would be very grateful for any help you can provide.You can make an online donation at our website or call 0151931 1604
Helen added:“You’ve helped us be there for animals in their hour of need for over 40 years.In that time, you’ve given over 90,000 animals a better life. We know you can help usovercome this challenge too. You have ensured we have left no animal behind so farand we will not fail them now.Thank You.
Together we can make this happen.For more information please contact Debbie Hughes on call 07956 216106