Go the Extra Mile for St. Joseph’s Hospice

St. Joseph’s Hospice is asking all those working from home and self-isolating across Merseyside to go the extra mile by supporting it during the challenging weeks ahead.
All year round, hospice nurses, carers, cleaners, laundry staff and cooks go the extra mile to care for hospice patients and their families. The hospice is now asking anyone who can, to go the extra mile for them.
The hospice is challenging the local community to walk (at least) a mile around their home or garden every day. This will keep everyone active and alleviate boredom. When you register, the hospice will ask you to pledge how many miles you will walk and how much you are willing to raise or donate per mile.
Maxine Armstrong, head of fundraising at St. Joseph’s Hospice, said: “Over the coming weeks and months, all our lives will be a little different. As a small charity, our fundraising events are essential to the running of the hospice and, while we can’t hold events due to the coronavirus crisis, we are likely to lose essential funds. However, we have come up with a great way for the people of Merseyside to help so that we can continue to provide this vital care to our patients.
“Once your isolation period has ended, or you have returned to work, let us know how far you walked and send your donation to the hospice. Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a digital certificate and will be put in to a prize draw to win a chocolate hamper.
“Please help us spread the word and share your videos and activity with us on Facebook or Twitter. Just use the hashtag #extramile and tag ‘St Josephs Jospice’ in on Facebook or ‘JospiceUK’ on Twitter. Good luck and stay safe.”
All participants can join the St Joseph’s Extra Mile team and raise money through JustGiving at www.justgiving.com/campaign/extramile

To register for the Extra Mile, please contact the fundraising team on 0151 932 6044 or email events@jospice.org.uk