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Formby Junior Sports Clubs plans for new season continue to be unveiled with five announcements of e

A brand new RECEPTION GROUP will be starting with top class coaching available and fun games on Saturday mornings.

YEAR ONES are welcome to join and be part of a group that will have the opportunity to have coaching and small sided fun games of football on Saturdays.

The YEAR ONES will also have the chance to join new FJSC UNDER 6 TEAMS who will play friendly matches against other local clubs on Sundays.

THREE NEW FJSC UNDER 7 TEAMS for YEAR TWO’S will play in the Craven Minor League on Sunday mornings.

A NEW GIRLS’ GROUP will be formed for RECEPTION, YEAR ONE and YEAR TWO also on Saturday mornings with coaching and friendly games each week. Parents are asked to email FJSC Chairman, Frank Rourke at to register their interest and book places in any of these five exciting initiatives, which will start hopefully in September. The commencement of activities will of course only begin when it is deemed safe to do so by the Government and the Football Association. INTER CLUB FOOTBALL SECTION Formby Junior Sports Clubs Inter Club Section will be open to all children of all abilities once again next season. Already many parents have completed membership forms for their children. No membership fee is required at the moment. Forms can be downloaded from the Formby Junior Sports Club website where more information about the club can readily be found. Inter Club football will be for children from Reception up to Year 6. It will be on Saturday mornings. Times to follow. Everyone plays. It is a great place to make a host of new friends where the name of the game is fun, encouragement and of course football.

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