Formby VE Day Celebrations will be held on Saturday 9th May

Formby is celebrating 75 years of VE day in true nostalgic style...
Coordinated and hosted by The Formby Parish Council, British Legion, and Formby Civic Society ... It is planned for Saturday 9th May 2020 , 12 noon to 6pm the heart of Formby Village.
It will celebrate 75 years since the fighting ended, and Churchill declared the end of WW2....
CHURCHILL SPEECH .. ' We may experience a brief time of rejoicing , but let us not forget for a moment , the task ahead of us ... ' Please support us, to see what this exciting commemorative event holds in store...
We hope this event will be supported by the community, local businesses, schools. and local organisations, to make this a real community event for all the people of Formby.. Whatever age, young and old ..
There will be a parade through the village, 1940s reenactors, 1940s singers, Punch and Judy, Swing dancing, Old fashioned fairground rides, Bunting, Vintage Stalls, 1940s Vehicles, Afternoon Cream teas,and much , much more..
We hope our local shops will become involved, and decorate their windows, and relive the nostalgic era that is the 1940's.. If any individuals, 1940s bands, clubs, organisations, performers etc, would like to be involved, in this truly nostalgic event, please comment on here or ... EMAIL:
Please follow our event , or join the facebook group 'Formby VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations ' group:
to see what we have in store for this exciting 1940s event ..
All the arrangements are still coming together, but once we get bookings, performers, reenactors, and local schools involvement, we will update you on the itinerary for the day.. Thank you for the support