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Local author Pete ‘Woodrow’ McDowell launches his second novel

After the success of his first novel local author Pete ‘Woodrow’ McDowell ‘aka’ Woodrow McKane launches his second novel titled Slayers II on Tuesday 17th of December via Amazon 12.30pm.

Pete quotes:“In truth I was shocked when my first crime novel ‘Slayers of the Dark Web’ achieved an overall five star rating on Amazon. Without doubt it gave me the confidence to continue writing and so now I wait with bated breath to see if Slayers II matches expectations.

Pete continued:"Writing a novel is relatively simple providing you have imagination and time. Selling however is a much harder task, as is trying to gain a book deal with a mainstream publisher. So I will attempt to break into the top 25 of both paperbacks and Kindle by asking all those who purchased my first Paperback or Kindle to buy Slayers II on the 17th at 7pm via Amazon. On the 19th of December I will be hosting a book signing in the Fleetwood Lounge at Formby Hall Golf Club. Should you buy a copy please come along to pick it up then we can refund your postage" Pete is currently 32k words into a third novel in the genre of fantasy titles Behind the Light. It is his intentions to make the reader fear sleep! As for Slayers III he has the plot in mind but will wait for the reader to decide. Thank you Formby peeps for your amazing support – read on if you dare! Slayers II is not for the faint hearted!” N.B. Anyone purchasing the book over the first two days will be entered into the draw for your name to be used in a role in my next novel.

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