Formby Junior Sports Club - Franks report 02/12/19

Only three Formby Junior Sports Club Representative team matches were played at the weekend and these only went ahead because they were played on artificial playing surfaces. Inter Club miraculously also went ahead on Saturday due to games starting one hour later. On Friday evening FJSC Under 6’s played FJSC Under 7’s under floodlights at Formby Cricket Club. It was a great match with all the boys of the two teams (see photograph above) showing tremendous skill for such a young age. The ball travelled very fast on the green artificial pitch and to see the scampering little legs of all the boys chasing after the ball as it gathered speed was very memorable. There were some very good goals scored and as the teams adapted to the pitch, the passing and inter team play improved greatly. The younger Under 6 boys gave a very good account of themselves and the Under 7’s had to play at their best to stay ahead on the goal count. When the final whistle was blown all the boys shook hands with each other and quickly ran back to the clubhouse to find a place at the table for their party food. The boys tucked into the bites, chatted and laughed together. It was a lovely atmosphere and watched on by all the parents. A big thank you to all the mums and dads for organising the match, the refreshments and food. FJSC would also like to thank Formby Cricket Club. On Saturday morning after a pitch inspection it was decided to try to go ahead with Inter Club football but to move all starting times to the later time of 11am. After having also inspecting the pitches the day before during the morning, and with identical weather conditions and temperature, an 11am time would allow the pitches to be safe to play on. Fingers were crossed and by 11am with the sun trying to do its best, play was possible. The numbers of children attending was reduced due to the change of time but all those children who braved the cold had a great time. For the younger boys there was a surprise as they were joined by the younger girls’ section. Two mixed teams were formed and there followed a very exciting match between the Reds and Blues. Bella Massey and Jasper House scored for the Reds whilst Cece Patterson, Shanice Jones and Joseph Kenyon were scorers for the Blues. There were vey good individual displays from Oscar Howard, Campbell Woodcock who was unlucky not to have scored with two late efforts, William Weston, George Barton, Christopher Clarke, Emily Lavin, Emilia Guy and Layla Pemberton. The Year Two/Three group had a lively session with the following boys all playing very well – Matthew Crutchley, Jake Hargreaves, Zac Hooson-Jones, Hughie Macleod, Harry McKenna and Jamie Seasman. Twenty-two goals hit the net in the Year Four/Five/ Six group match. The goal scorers were Patrick Fleming, Oliver Dean, Jack Finnigan, Joel Gilbert, Zach Gilbert, Lucas Maddocks and Thomas Donnelly. Also enjoying a coaching session was the Under 16 Girls’ Jets squad. On Sunday the FJSC Under 6 boys played two matches on the 3G pitches at the Netherton Activity Centre. The first match was against Netherton. It was a very close encounter. Mason Stringer, Rory Rankine and Thomas Crutchley all scored. Ted McAuley, Max McAuley and Josh Tallon also made good contributions. What was very noticeable and pleasing was the team’s defensive work rate and effort all over the pitch. The second match played was against FC Northern. Joshua Halpin, Oscar Howard and Mason Stringer all scored goals in an exciting performance. Mason Stringer played a whole half in goal and had an exceptional game with some excellent distribution. Also playing very well in this impressive team display were Oliver Hall- Gleeson and Campbell Woodcock. Every club member whether playing for a Representative team or in the Inter Club Section has his or her appearances and goals scored recorded weekly on the FJSC website. After the first three months of the season here is a list of the children with the best attendance, called appearances, at Inter Club. INTER CLUB TOP APPEARANCES RECEPTION– Walter Ramsdale 9 appearances; Adam Watson and Jack Hansen on 8 appearances. YEAR ONE - Oscar Howard 9 appearances; Harley Evans, Jasper House, Mason Stringer, Campbell Woodcock, Rory Rankine and William Weston on 8 appearances. YEAR TWO/THREE – Adam Patel 9 appearances; Hughie Macleod, Matthew Crutchley, Ephraim Sutton, Harry McKenna, Jenson Heron and Zac Hooson-Jones on 8 appearances. YEAR FOUR/FIVE/SIX – Lucas Maddocks and Zach Gilbert 10 appearances; Thomas Donnelly, Joel Gilbert, Toby Hargreaves, Peter Clark and James Potts on 9 appearances. GIRLS – Emily Lavin 9 appearances; Skylar Davies and Cece Patterson on 8 appearances. INTER CLUB TOP SCORERS After the first ten Inter Club sessions the top scorers are as follows : - RECEPTION - Walter Ramsdale YEAR ONE –Mason Stringer YEAR TWO/THREE - Jenson Heron and Zach Hooson-Jones YEAR FOUR/FIVE - Jack Finnigan GIRLS – Bella Massey REPRESENTATIVE TOP SCORERS UNDER 6 Mason Stringer UNDER 6 Joshua Halpin UNDER 7 Hughie Macleod UNDER 8 GIRLS Gabriella Otty UNDER 9 WHITE Harry Nelson UNDER 9 BLACK Lewis Donoghue UNDER 10 SAT. Charlie Garvey UNDER 10 SUN. Dominic Maxwell UNDER 12 Oscar Fletcher UNDER 14 WHITE Luke Honour UNDER 14 BLACK Jacob Lewis UNDER 15 Lucas Gornall UNDER 16 GIRLS Anna Johnson UNDER 17 Jack Cunliffe, Lewis Constable Charlie Cook UNDER 18 GIRLS Anna Rutherford INTER CLUB ARRANGEMENTS FOR SAT. 7th DECEMBER All matches and coaching sessions are at Deansgate Lane Playing Fields. START TIMES Reception Boys and Girls at 9.30am until 10.30am Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Boys’ at 10am until 11am. Girls’ Coaching at 10.30am until 11am. Girls’ matches at 11am until 11.30am. Girls’ coaching and game - Years 9 and 10 from 11am until 12 noon.
It will be the last opportunity to take part in the Sponsored Penalty Competition on Saturday 7th December. Children can take penalties before or after games and coaching. Parents are reminded to please bring sponsored forms along with them. ADVANCED INFORMATION The last Inter club session before the Christmas holidays will be on Saturday 14th December.