The National Trust have released a statement regarding the proposed visitor building at Lifeboat Roa

Earlier this year we invited architects to respond to a design brief for a visitor building at Lifeboat Road to see how they approached the task and how they would work with the project team and community at Formby.
It wasn’t our intention to pick a specific design at this stage as we saw it as an opportunity to generate contrasting ideas and identify what kind of approaches and features would be valued in the community.
As a result, no single design proposal has been selected from the 4 initial concepts.
We are taking on board the public feedback and key points we received as we work with the appointed architect. We will be continuing to work closely with the local community as we develop detailed designs, and will publicise future opportunities to be involved through the local press, social media and on the National Trust website.
Also, our consultation report from the summer has just been published – You can find the full report here: