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Local health organisation are looking for a new Governing Body member - Apply here

Are you interested in championing the views of local residents in Southport and Formby? If so, then the local health commissioner wants to hear from you in its search for a new member of the public to join its Governing Body.

NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is looking for a new lay member for public and patient involvement, as the current postholder Gill Brown will be leaving at the end of October to take on a new role as a non-executive director at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

Dr Rob Caudwell, a GP in Southport and chair of the CCG, said: “Becoming a member of our governing body is a great opportunity to become directly involved with healthcare in the local area.“As a lay member for patient and public involvement on the Governing Body, you will help champion the public voice of the local population in all aspects of the CCG’s business. You will also help to ensure that opportunities are created and protected for patient and public empowerment in the work of the CCG.”

The CCG is looking for someone that has a track record of successfully involving patients, carers and the public in the work of a public sector or community organisation, as well as having an understanding of healthcare and the trends that influence it.

Gill Brown, current lay member for public and patient involvement for the CCG, said: “This role has been hugely engaging and rewarding. I have loved being able to represent local residents within the CCG and make sure their best interests are at the forefront of our decision making.

“I would encourage anyone with the right experience and skills who wants to get involved in the local healthcare system to consider applying for this position.”

Rob added: “On behalf of the entire governing body, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gill for all of her hard work over the past three and a half years. She has been a valuable member of the CCG and will be greatly missed. We wish her luck in her new role.”

You can read the full job description at:

To apply for this post, you will need to complete the application form by midnight on 29 September 2019 via You will need to register with NHS Jobs in order to apply.

If you have any queries about the recruitment process please email Adam Burgess, HR Business Partner at

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