Formby Woman celebrates 102nd birthday in style

Local Formby care home, Woodlands lodge of Church Road, has recently celebrated a resident’s very special birthday – Babs Robinson, who is 102 years young! Babs, her family, Woodlands Lodge staff and even pupils from Formby High School all joined in the day, enjoying music by the fantastic John Franklin in honour of this huge milestone. Mrs Robinson was born just outside London in 1917, the same year as Ella Fitzgerald; a year when America was on the verge of joining the War effort, Charlie Chaplin released his film “Easy Street” and Einstein published his paper on general relativity. Before meeting her husband, Babs worked for a bank; once married she became a wonderful homemaker, celebrated baker and active philanthropist. Babs was an avid golfer, having been a former lady captain of West Lancashire Golf Club. Tennis was another one of her passions and was in fact how she met her late husband. For the past 70 years Babs has resided in Blundell Sands, Crosby. Babs puts her longevity down to having a happy family life and a very good husband. And, by the looks of it from the birthday party, enjoying life and maybe a dance or two! All at Woodlands Lodge and the Athena Healthcare Group would like to congratulate Babs for this terrific achievement!