Chemists open over Easter in Formby

If you are not well over the Easter period and need a chemist, in Formby, there is only one chemist open for one hour each day from 12noon to 1pm as follows....
Good Friday 19th March
Boots Pharmacy
17-19 Elbow Lane
L37 4AB
Tel: 01704 87764
Open 12 noon to1pm
Easter Sunday 21st April
Rowlands Pharmacy
15 Chapel Lane
L37 4DL
Tel: 01704 872009
Open from 12 noon to 1pm
Easter Monday 22nd April
Rowlands Pharmacy
15 Chapel Lane
L37 4DL
Tel: 01704 872009
Open from 12 noon to 1pm
Remember these chemists are ONLY OPEN FROM 12noon to 1pm