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The hunt is on to find an animal abuser who was seen beating a puppy at the entrance to Formby Natio

The hunt is on to find an animal abuser who was spotted beating up a puppy in the Victoria Road area of Formby, just near the kiosk to the entry of the National Trust. The incident happened last weekend but we are not sure of the exact date. If you have any details about this man or you witnessed the abuse on the dog, please get in touch with us (in confidence) so we can pass on your details. Is anyone aware of the exact date and approximate time that this assault occurred, as this will assist with the enquiries. Please advise the Bubble in confidence of any information or description of owner and dog you may have. Witnesses say the man proceeded to pick the puppy up by the harness then threw it on to the floor before punching it on the top of the head. The puppy squealed then cowered with its tail between its legs. This was in front of a queue of cars waiting to go into the pinewoods. One witnesses said: “I screamed at him but he hurried off into the pinewoods.” “I told the park trust workers who seemed not bothered in the slightest because they hadn’t seen it themselves, even though I had two witnesses who said they seen the abuse. I then found him by the ice cream van with two other people and the dog (who was desperately trying to escape whenever he came near it.) I confronted him again and asked why he did it but he said he wasn’t arsed.” “I rang the police who told me to ring the RSPCA. I gave them all the details but doubt they will catch him. The poor dog was no older than 6 months.“ If anyone has any more information, please contact the Bubble in confidence with anything that you have, description of the man, the dog and any more details at all. Thankyou Email: Facebook message to

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