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Sefton Council catches alleyway dumpers in flytipping crackdown

Sefton Council is once again reminding residents of their rubbish responsibilities following a crackdown on alleyway flytipping.

A recent spot-check by the Local Authority’s Environmental Health Enforcement officers in the south of the borough uncovered a large amount of alleyway rubbish dumping and one resident was even caught in the act, resulting in her receiving a £400 fine.

Each year Sefton’s cleansing teams have to remove thousands of tonnes of rubbish from alleyways across the borough, costing the Council £800,000 a year to clear up and dispose of.

On average 20 tonnes of flytipped rubbish is left in rear alleyways and passageways each week, running up bills of £2,600 in disposal costs alone.

Cllr Paulette Lappin, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regulation and Compliance, said: “People dumping rubbish in alleyways costs the council hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to clean up and dispose of."

“This is a huge bill to clean up after flytippers and our recent inspections show that there are still inconsiderate and irresponsible people who dump their rubbish illegally."

“No matter if its a small bin bag or a huge pile of household waste, it’s still flytipping and you will be fined heavily for irresponsibly disposing of your rubbish."

“Flytipping carries a £400 fixed penalty notice and failure to pay will land you in court. We won’t hesitate to issue a fine if we catch people doing it. Each week our cleansing teams clear away tonnes of dumped waste from alleyways alone and this needs to stop."

“Flytipping is not only unsightly and anti-social, but it can also be a serious risk to people’s health and can cause considerable damage to the environment. Please dispose of your waste in the proper fashion and make Sefton a cleaner and greener place to live, work and visit.”

If any residents have any concerns regarding flytipping or wish to report an offence, they should contact us on 0345 140 0845 or report it via our website

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