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Have your say on Sefton health policies review

Sefton residents are being asked for views about a number of local health policies, being reviewed to make sure NHS resources are used on the most effective treatments.

NHS South Sefton (CCG) and NHS Southport and Formby CCG are working together with Halton, Liverpool, St Helens and Warrington CCGs to review a group of policies for procedures and treatments that are known as Criteria Based Clinical Treatments (CBCT). These are routine procedures that are known to have medical benefit only in very specific situations, or for a small number of people.

This is the third phase of the review, which aims to keep NHS care up to date with the latest national clinical guidelines, methods and technology, whilst also making the best use of NHS resources.

The policies that Sefton residents are being asked to provide views on in this latest phase are:

  • Continuous glucose monitoring systems

  • Cough assist devices

  • Insulin pumps

  • Secondary care administered peripheral joint injections

  • Surgery for prostatism or lower urinary tract infections

  • Transanal irrigation

At the same time, the CCGs are letting people know about updates to their policy for Botulinum toxin treatments, bringing it in line with national guidance from NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the Pan Mersey Area Prescribing Committee.

Dr Rob Caudwell, local GP and chair of NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “It is right that we regularly review the services we commission to ensure that we’re providing the most effective treatments that make the best use of our limited NHS resources.”

Dr Craig Gillespie, local GP and chair of NHS South Sefton CCG, said: “This review of policies is about looking at the latest guidelines, treatments, methods and technologies and where there is very little or no evidence of effectiveness, there is no benefit in offering them to patients."

Craig added: “Any procedure comes with risk, so it’s important patients are offered those with the maximum clinical or functional benefit, not for cosmetic or psychological reasons. As clinicians we will explore other, more suitable treatments for patients with these types of needs.”

The information gathered will be used to help develop new or revised polices. No final decisions have been made at this stage and it is important that as many people as possible give their views to help shape local NHS policies for the future. Patients who might not be eligible for treatment will still be able to apply through an Individual Funding Request (IFR) where appropriate.

More details on proposed changes to the policies being reviewed along with a survey, open until 7 July 2019, can be found on each CCG’s website or or by emailing or calling 01782 872 506.

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