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Olivia McGeoch – Unite Formby - selected to join the GB Taekwondo Team

Olivia McGeoch has been selected to join the GB Taekwondo Poomsae Team. This is a fantastic honour and an amazing opportunity for Olivia to compete and represent Great Britain in different countries.

Poomsae is the performance of a set sequence of specific moves (blocks, strikes and kicks in various stances). Olivia started her martial arts career at Unite Formby in 2012 under the Unite Dragon Programme, aged just 5 years old. She worked her way through the Dragon gradings, achieving her Dragon black stripe in November 2014. She then worked her way through the Unite Cadet programme achieving her First Degree Black Belt at the age of 10 and has gone on to achieve her Second Degree Black Belt in 2018 at just 11 years of age.

Her training regime is relentless, taking full advantage of the Unite unlimited training option: she trains four nights per week (usually doing back-to-back classes) and in addition to this trains with the GB squad every month and attends seminars all over the country.

As part of the GB Team she has already competed in the President’s Cup held in Sindlefingen – Germany (12-14 years Category) and achieved two personal best scores amongst 50 competitors from all around the world. Olivia is only 12 years of age and has a very bright future ahead of her, having experienced that her hard work and dedication does indeed yield amazing results.

Unite teaches students to be upstanding citizens, giving them a foundation for a lifetime. This includes covering safety and life skills, developing students socially, emotionally, physically and stretching them intellectually. The training provides an opportunity to channel energy whilst learning key skills such as discipline, respect, self-defence and consequence.

Unite Formby provides classes for students from the age of 3 years old through to adult classes and during February and March they are offering new students the opportunity to participate in unlimited classes (subject to availability) for their first week for FREE, as well as a half price uniform!

Unite has clubs in Formby, Lancaster, Ormskirk, Preston and Southport.

For more information please email call 07887691504. Also further details can be found on Facebook and Instagram @uniteformby and at

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