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McDonald's has announced when its restaurant in Formby is going to open

McDonald's has announced when its restaurant in Formby is going to open. Works have been ongoing at the site on Altcar Road, which was formerly occupied by MJ's Steakhouse.

On Friday, McDonald’s revealed plans to open its doors by the end of spring.

The full statement said: “We can confirm that we have received planning permission for a new restaurant on Altcar Road. "We have started work on-site and plan to open in early spring.”

“We believe a new restaurant will bring investment to the local community as well as creating at least 65 new full and part-time jobs.”

It comes after the firm this week applied for advertisement consent for illuminated branded signs, digital menus and a booth screen.

In May last year, a second planning application was submitted, to turn the first floor of the building into a gymnasium.

At the time, the plans were for the site to consist of a ground-floor McDonald's, with a drive-thru, and a first-floor fitness centre.

However, KPFF Limited withdrew their gym plans in October 2018.

Following a campaign from Formby Labour councillors and the town's MP, a light-signalled pedestrian crossing will be installed near to the restaurant.

Cllrs Nina Killen and Catie Page, and MP Bill Esterson, wrote to Sefton Council in June to request that a light-signalled pedestrian crossing be installed on Altcar Road.

Sefton planners were unable to negotiate investment from McDonald’s for the crossing, but have secured funding from the landowner and Sefton Highways budgets.

In their letter to Sefton Council, Cllrs Page and Killen and MP Mr Esterson wrote: “While we broadly support the application which will bring around 65 jobs to the town and will mean a currently empty building will be put back into use, we are concerned about the safety of the nearby junction on the Formby bypass.

“McDonald’s is likely to be hugely popular with young people, who may travel there on foot from the main residential part of Formby, crossing the busy Formby bypass in the process.”


We can officially confirm that the MJ's Drive Thru Restaurant will be turning into a McDonald's restaurant.

A spokesperson from McDonald's told the Formby Bubble: “We can confirm that we have submitted a planning application for a new Drive Thru restaurant in Formby and look forward to working with the council on our plans. If approved the restaurant would create at least 65 full and part-time jobs.”

MJ's Drive Thru Cafe/Restaurant in Formby closed it's doors on 28th October last year and there has been a lot of speculation about the future of the building. MJ's opened it's store which combined a 24hr fast food with state of the art steakhouse on 15th January 2015. They have held comedy nights, bingo and entertainment in their huge premises on Altcar Road across the bypass.

A new era for MJ's and also for Formby. What do you think? Let us know,

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