Altcar Traing Camp invite members of the public to see the helicopters up close on Friday

Altcar Training Camp invite members of the public to see the helicopter up close on Friday 18th January.
Please note the following on behalf of the Commandant Altcar Training Camp – Lt Col Gordon Black: Notification of the Maritime Air Group and Naval Air Squadron exercise FARADAY FIELD at Altcar Training Camp has been extensively published through various social media outlets.
The social media comments from those who live locally and have been subjected to some additional noise has been very supportive and positive and we would like to take this opportunity to thank those who live near to the site for their continued support. The exercise will finish this coming Friday, 18th January 2019.
On completion of the exercise, the helicopters will leave Altcar Training Camp and return to their units. The unit directing the exercise and Altcar Training Camp would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone, especially those staff on site for supporting this particular exercise and needs – especially the flying into the late hours each day. We would also like to thank everyone outside the defence training estate fence line (the public) who over the last few days have been very tolerant with additional activity and noise; thank you.
On Friday, 18th January 2019 between the hours of 09:00 – 10:00 hrs, a small number of helicopters will be positioned on the ground on the general purpose field on Altcar Training Camp. There is an opportunity for the public to visit the site to view the helicopters on the ground and aircrew will be on standby to answer any questions individuals may have. It is appreciated that this is during school time and so children will, sadly, not have the opportunity of attending.
There are a number of conditions that those wishing to visit the site must comply with: Individuals must have some form of ID – usually a driving licence or passport. There is no individual ID requirements for juveniles who are accompanied by adults.
Access to the site is through the main camp entrance on foot only. No vehicle traffic will be permitted. The walk from the entrance to the field is approximately 400 meters. Parking outside the main entrance is not permitted. Hightown residents will be familiar with the area. Those outside the village are made aware that the train station is a short distance from the camp.
We would advise against bringing daysacks/bags etc. as this could delay entry as individuals bags would be searched as a condition of entry. You will only be permitted to take photographs of the external aspects of the aircraft. Photographs inside any of the aircraft are not permitted. Refreshments are available at cost from the Red Rose Club. The club is a short distance from the general purpose field.
Visitors to the site must be off site by 1030 hrs at the latest. Please note that there is vehicular and troop activity around the site – very busy at times and anyone visiting the site must give way to vehicles and troops transiting around the camp.
You may have noticed the low flying helicopters over the last couple of days flying over Hightown and Formby from the Altcar training camp. They are in fact Royal Navy helicopters involved in search and rescue exercises.
A special Notification of Helicopter Operations at Altcar Training Camp was given to the residents of Hightown and Formby as follows:
There will be light to medium support Helicopters Operating in and around Altcar Training camp and the beach area from the period of 13th to 18th January 2019. It is anticipated that the noise levels will increase throughout various times within the period stated and varying times throughout each day.
Night and early morning activity is to be expected, especially between 14th to 17th January 2019. Any Inconvenience is regretted.
Colonel Mark Underhill OBE said: "Altcar Training Camp are once again hosting a tri - Service helicopter exercise over Hightown and Formby. Local residents may have noticed/heard helicopter activity into and out of Altcar Training Camp over the last couple of days. Through the commandant – Gordon Black, we have ascertained that: The helicopters – up to ten - will be on site until Friday 18th January. Subject to the exigencies of the MOD exercise, the programmed flying programme is 09:30hrs to 23:00hrs daily. However, depending on weather patterns and the exercise requirements, it may be necessary to fly until after midnight in order to allow the helicopters to re-fuel."
He went on to say: "At this stage we are not sure whether we are able to organise any visits onto camp to view the helicopters. We will know if anything is possible, hopefully on Wednesday when we can then inform the residents."
"Lastly, for tonight and tomorrow, all should note that different flights paths into/out of Altcar will be used. This is due to night shoots taking place on the ranges. Any inconvenience is regretted. Thank you."
The helicopters are of different types which include Chinooks and Merlins and are a fantastic site to see and hear.
Watch our short video taken last year on Tuesday 28th February......

A Chinook and a Merlin helicopter taken today over Formby

Here are some photos that Formby residents have captured as they fly over head.

This photo of a Chinook over Formby taken by Tracy Crosthwaite

These two photos above were take by Diane Brockbank over Formby
Here are some pictures of the helicopters whilst at Altcar two years ago when they invited members of the public to go down and have a look.