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There are more ways to see your GP this winter including evenings and weekends

Health commissioners in Sefton are reminding people that they have greater choice and availability of when they can book a GP practice appointment this winter should they become ill.

Since October appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional are available if required in the evenings and weekends thanks to the new extended access service.

As well as these additional weekend and evening GP appointments, NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Southport and Formby CCG are encouraging people to think about the other options available to them if they need immediate or same day health advice or treatment.

All pharmacies can offer expert advice on minor illnesses and can suggest medications you may want to buy over the counter to help with them. NHS 111 is available on the phone or online and is a helpful way to seek advice 24 hours a day. GP out of hours can also be accessed via 111 if you need to speak to a GP when your GP practice is closed.

In south Sefton non urgent GP appointments are now available to book via your usual GP practice or through NHS111 and are available from 5pm – 8pm in the evening and from 10am – 1pm at weekends.

Dr Massimo Gozzelino, medical director at south Sefton Primary Healthcare, who run this service, said: “The service has been running for a couple of months now and is going well. We offer extra appointments which can be booked through your GP practice of an evening and weekend including bank holidays.”

In Southport and Formby the appointments are available from 5-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-12pm at the weekend.

Dr Abdul Zubairu, medical director at Southport and Formby Health Ltd, who run the service in Southport and Formby, said: “Although you may not see your usual GP, be assured the clinician you see will have access to your health records with your consent, so will know your medical history and any treatment you are currently receiving."

We are also seeking your views on urgent care in south Sefton until 31 January 2018. If you have used an urgent care service, such as pharmacists, GP services, NHS 111, walk-in centres or emergency ambulances in south Sefton we would like to hear from you. Please visit for more information or to fill in an online survey.

For more information on services available to you in Sefton, please visit the CCG websites: /

Top photo of Dr Abdul Zubairu, medical director at Southport and Formby Health Ltd

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