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Cumfy bus drivers bring Christmas cheer to their Formby passengers again this year

The Formby Cumfy Bus strikes again with a big Christmas hit for their passengers. Drivers have decorated their busses with Christmas decorations and play Christmas music loud for all their passengers to hear. The cumfy bus is a vital part of our community and they have certainly got into the Christmas spirit again this year!

The drivers put up a notice two years ago asking for donations of Christmas decorations so they could decorate their bus and they were inundated! They received fairy lights, tinsel and even teddy bears to brighten up the community busses and have done it every year since. The Cumfy busses were transformed into Christmas Wonderbusses and the passengers love it.

Driver Paul said: "We have a laugh and banter with our customers and this just helps to bring smiles to their faces. Some passengers are on their own and they look forward to getting on our Christmas bus, it really does make everyone happy."

Peter, Gerry and Paul (pictured above) received that many decorations that they decorate all their Formby busses now. Paul said: "The idea is to keep the decorations for each year and bring the festive cheer back all over again."

Formby driver Paul said: "Jerry, Peter and I would like to thank everyone for all their donations of Christmas decorations and for brightening up our busses in Formby. We would like to wish all our customers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year."

Formby Cumfy Bus drivers - Peter, Jerry and Paul last year

Driver Paul on the Christmas bus in Formby last year

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L37 3HJ

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Wednesday 25th December 2024

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L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

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