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Southport Cruisers raised over £500 today for Christmas presents for Formby Childrens home

Southport Cruisers Motorcycle Club once again made their 'Christmas Run' to Clumber Lodge Children’s Home in Formby today, Sunday 16th December. They managed to raise over £500 for the children to have a better Christmas.

There were 53 bikes on the run and they came through Formby with their horns blowing and their lights flashing, what a sight it was!

A cash collection was taken on the day and the money collected was given to the Home to allow the staff to treat the Children to an Outing. Donations of sweets and chocolates were also handed over for the staff and children to enjoy over the Christmas Period.

A huge well done to everyone involved!

Southport Cruisers Motorcycle Club was formed in May 2005 and has since that time been evolving by attending motorcycle rallies and events around this country and abroad we have become a well known and respected club, with an active membership. They have a good relationship with local MCs and by agreement are the only MCC with a club emblem worn on the back of their jackets. In 2005 they organised a Christmas Run to Clumber Lodge for the first time and have since maintained two runs a year, one at Easter as well, In that time up to the present they have managed to raise approximately the sum of £12,000 for Clumber lodge in Formby!

The Chairman of the Southport Cruisers Derrick Moss, has been Involved with this event since the 1980’s. Derrick said: “when the event began the bikers had a Police bike escort, the home cared for Physically and Mentally Handicapped Youngsters who were difficult to look after at home, the noise of the bikes arriving created excitement for all, these children who could not see or hear could feel the vibration and was great to get a reaction."

"Today the excitement is the same, with the girls and boys ages ranging from 0 to 18 they have varied needs, it is warming to be able to do a little to bring some happiness to young people with difficult lives."

"Motorcycle Clubs up and down the country will be actively helping those in need through the Christmas Period as well as raise money for good causes all year round. This helps to bring down barriers and misconception’s and provides good social events benefiting everybody. Any Motorcyclist is welcome to join in on the day and also on the Easter run as well."

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